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APW Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Photos by David Yeow, Annice Lynn & Aaron Wong


The Memebank project represents the artist’s immersion into the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, through combining experimental performance art and a full-fledged art exhibition. Launched in January 2022, the exhibition-parody featured six banknotes designed from large etched copper plates, with meme characters inspired by real world currencies, that were displayed in a spoof bank. Both the copper plates and banknotes were turned into NFTs, which could be bid for and purchased accordingly.

The Memebank series is a subtle critique on how continued money printing by central banks may potentially lead to uncontrolled inflation. Humor aside, the project’s goal was to provoke questioning of current financial systems, as well as to celebrate the collective strength of communities in seeking alternative investments as a means of hedging against inflation.

随着社会迈向区块链及加密货币的时代,迷因总银行是一项结合了带讽刺性的行为艺术与艺术展的项目。于2022年1月,迷因总银行以一个 “滑稽” 展览秀的形式展现了六张大型伪纸币铜板,其设计参考了现实世界里的货币并加入了迷因人物的元素。铜板与纸币作品被铸造成NFTs,其后在币安平台拍卖出去。

迷因总银行作品系列的诞生婉转地反讽了中央银行持续印钞所导致通货膨胀的现象。最终,这艺术项目引领大众反思传统的银行金融体系并聚集了热衷币圈的群众 — 一班正在寻求对冲通胀的另类投资者。

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